Core Beliefs Of The Leading Back Pain Expert, Lacey

After working with back pain sufferers for more than two decades, I’ve developed a set of core beliefs that I have about treating back pain injuries.

Those beliefs have helped me to treat my patients naturally and help them recover fast and permanently over the years.

I have since passed those beliefs to my expert team who always make sure you are in the best hands and given the quality treatment you deserve.


BELIEF #1 – People Need Time To Tell Their Stories

We need to give people time to tell their stories so that we understand how their back pain has affected them, what treatment they need to get back to their health and develop a full awareness of who they are what their goals are, and how are we going to get there.

If we know where they are having trouble, then we can develop a very individualized programme to help them.

Giving you all the time you need to tell your story and for us to understand it is crucial to give you a tailored approach and hands-on treatment that other clinics don’t provide.

We work together in a partnership to help you get better and back to enjoying all the things in life without limitations.


BELIEF #2 – We Treat You As A Whole Person

We offer things where we have that whole-person approach and we are happy to work with you on other elements in your lifestyle or body that may be affecting your back pain.

That is our approach, we try to look at you as a whole person so we can help you be the best version of yourself.

Treating the whole person through a variety of different techniques helps us move forward faster and reach the expected results, and that’s all we want for our patients, to reach their goals, be happy, and be healthy.


BELIEF #3 – Maintaining Your Health Is The Key To Being Well

I strongly believe that patients need to put effort into staying well and active after we’ve helped them.

After getting back to health, you need to stay active, do some regular stretches and exercises, and be careful not to go back to old and unhealthy habits that put you in pain in the first place.

It’s up to you to manage your health and body, but we offer classes like Yoga and Pilates that can help you with that and our patients very often decide to take up some of those classes to stay active.


BELIEF #4 – People Deserve Natural Remedies

At our clinic, we promote natural remedies for back pain such as massage therapy, Pilates, Yoga, and physical therapy to help people get natural pain relief.

The other available treatments like injections and medications will help you in the short term, but they only mask your symptoms, and will not get rid of your back pain permanently.

That’s why we always encourage our patients to try using only natural treatments in our clinic and see how that can give them quick and natural relief without having to worry about any side effects.

Can You See How Different We Are To All The Things You Tried To Fix Your Back Pain In The Past?

And this is why when people visit my Lacey clinic, they get results – even if they’ve spent years trying and failing with at-home stretches, countless doctors visits and scans, bottles of painkillers, and visits to chiropractors and massage therapists.

So why don’t you come to our clinic as part of a Free Discovery Visit where you can meet the team, see how we treat, and get personalized advice and recommendations on the best treatment options that can deliver you the fast, long-term, and drug-free pain relief you’re desperately searching for.

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